2021 Call for applications for Theses by ADEME

The Agence de la transition écologique (Ecological Transition Agency) is offering to co-finance projects for theses supporting the energy and ecological transition within the context of climate change. These projects must bring together a candidate, a host laboratory, a thesis supervisor and a public or private financial partner.
Formerly known as the Agence de l’environnement et de la maîtrise de l’énergie (Environment and Energy Control Agency), ADEME has now become the Ecological Transition Agency. One of its main missions is to implement public policy in the areas of the environment, energy and sustainable development. The ‘Theses’ programme is a tool intended to implement the Research strategy of ADEME.
Every year, from an average of 200 candidates, some fifty thesis projects are selected and co-financed by ADEME. From 1992, over 1800 students have benefited from this programme which nevertheless is not aimed at financing the basic research work of theses. One of the objectives is to help start the professional careers of these students as researchers in public institutions, businesses or service professions, or even to create their own business.
The thesis projects proposed must bring together a candidate, a host laboratory, a thesis supervisor and a public or private co-financing partner. Although ADEME co-funding makes up 50% of the doctoral grant (with ADEME as the employer), theses may exceptionally be financed to 100%, especially in human and social sciences. The deadline for applications is 5 pm on 31 March 2021.
For information and to make an application: https://agirpourlatransition.ademe.fr/entreprises/dispositif-aide/20210105/aac-theses2021-17