Arkinova hosts ‘Montaury Water Day’

The plenary assembly of the MIRA research federation (aquatic environments & resources) and the water sector trade forum organised by Pau-Pays de l’Adour University (UPPA) took place jointly on 29 November at Arkinova Technology Park.
‘The MIRA federation is an association of eight laboratories and research teams from UPPA, the CNRS, Ifremer and INRA. MIRA brings together almost 150 researchers, teacher-researchers, engineers and technicians. We held our annual plenary assembly at Arkinova in Anglet on 29 November. During this mini, half-day scientific congress, we presented 14 works and projects led by UPPA and its partners’, explains Philippe Gaudin, director of the MIRA federation and head of research at the French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA).
Among the projects presented, featured the MAREA project for modelling and decision-making relative to coastal risks on the Basque Atlantic coast, which is led by the Basque Country Community of Districts. This project is based on the study and simulation of the impact of storms on the Basque Coast. Established in the framework of the Basque Coast Scientific Interest Group (GIS), UPPA, the Izarbel-based company Rivages Pro Tech, the Azti-Tecnalia research centre in Gipuzkoa and the Basque meteorological agency, Euskalmet, were also involved in the project.
In the afternoon, at the 4th edition of the water sector trade forum, students explored some thirty stands representing companies and non-profit organisations from the sector. Organised by the master students in Agricultural, Food and Environmental Science & Technologies, this forum was also an opportunity for discussions on topics such as environmental testing, physicochemical analysis and management and restoration tools for aquatic environments, from small to large water cycles.
For more information on MIRA: