Graduates from ISA BTP have already found jobs

After receiving their degree at the beginning of September, 41 of the 56 graduate engineers from the 2019 class of Arkinova Technology Park’s engineering school in Anglet already have a job.
At the start of every academic year, the Aquitaine Institute for Building and Civil Engineering (ISA BTP) organizes its traditional graduation ceremony. More than 800 people gathered at the Quintaou Theatre in Anglet in early September to celebrate the engineering school’s 2019 graduating class. The school is part of the University of Pau and Pays de l'Adour, and is certified by the Committee for Engineering Qualifications. After studying for 5 years at the university, 56 engineers, 19 of them women, have graduated from ISABTP. By the time they graduated, 41 of the young graduates had already found a job, four of them had decided to continue their studies and three others had begun entrepreneurial projects.
ISA BTP’s website: