Innovation in construction using timber

In the framework of Ark’innoves departmental days for timber construction, hosted at the Arkinova Business Generator on 24 May 2019. Conferences on the future and innovation in timber construction, in addition to an overview of the timber industry in the Pyrénées-Atlantiques were provided.
It was organised in partnership with the Basque Country Urban Authority, the CREAHd, the IFB 64 and the Pavillon de l’Architecture, this half-day of conferences welcomed almost one hundred participants amongst whom there were many architects, contractors and construction companies. There were four conferences, various discussions, a presentation of award winners in addition to the inauguration of an exhibition of the 2018 edition timber construction award winner. It was organised at the Arkinova Business Generator, from 21 May to 6 June, 2019. It is worthy of note that this event was organised in the framework of Ark’innoves: a meeting created by the Basque Country Urban Authority in the framework of the strategic business field for sustainable development and construction.
“The goal was to talk about timber construction in terms of innovation and outlook. Thomas Garnesson, materials and construction systems engineer from the Nobatek INEF4 Centre, presented the techniques of timber use in construction in development, and its implementation for ‘after-tomorrow’. Philipe Langière, from the University of Bordeaux, focused on timber in the Baitykool project for the Solar Decathlon Competition which shows that timber really is an innovative material with efficient properties. Benjamin Leroux from the Odéys Cluster focused on the new RE2020 environmental regulation, which is more demanding than the previous one and should foster the use of timber for construction in the future. He also performed a project review on some fifteen timber buildings, focusing on construction methods and additional materials which were combined with wood. Pierre Marsan from Interpro Forêt Bois 64 presented the wood sector in the Pyrénées-Atlantiques and finally Valentin Fayolle, a carpenter, showed his work to prove the interest of an underused local resource,” summed up Agnès Pachebat, communications manager for Interprofession Forêt Bois 64:
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