Sustainable construction in Nouvelle-Aquitaine under the spotlight in Arkinova

The Arkinova Business Generator in Anglet hosted another of the five consultation workshops aimed at developing a road map for sustainable construction in the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region. Some 80 representatives from the construction industry took part in the meetings at Anglet.
The aim of the five consultation workshops taking place between January and May, and organised by the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region, is to work with the construction industry to develop a vision of the sector for the future. Following the workshop held in La Rochelle on 24 January, the Arkinova Business Generator hosted another consultation workshop on 14 February. The day was divided into two themed strands: “environmental and energy efficiency in construction” in the morning and “how to be innovative in the construction sector” in the afternoon.
The workshop at Anglet was attended by around 80 representatives of the construction industry, including architects, engineers and technical staff from design, training and research providers, as well as members of professional trade associations. Through their participation in three consecutive working groups during the morning session and three more during the afternoon, these professionals shared their ideas on the six topics, which were collated and summarised by a facilitator.
Energy transition
One of the aims of the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region’s involvement is to work with the sector on meeting the challenges of energy and digital transition. Consequently, the six subjects addressed over the course of the day focused on the following: how to implement energy retrofitting effectively; how to improve energy efficiency in construction; how to advance overall performance in construction; what is stopping us from being innovative? what do you think should be the innovation priorities in terms of need in Nouvelle-Aquitaine? how can we get new innovations on to the market – and more quickly?
The responses and suggestions collated as part of the Anglet workshop will form part of the process of reflection for all five workshops organised by the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region and its partners from the CREAHd and Eco-Habitat clusters. A final report will be produced in late 2019 by the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region to coincide with the publication of the strategic “Sustainable Construction” road map.