Blue Ocean strategy for exploring new horizons

Co-founder and partner at Océan Bleu in Toulouse, Cyril Durand uses the eponymous Blue Ocean strategy to offer an innovation protocol to businesses in search of creativity, differentiation and impact.


With his four partners in this cooperative and participatory company, Cyril Durand presents Océan Bleu as “a strategic exploration laboratory which facilitates the emergence and development of projects which make sense”. Since 2008, Océan Bleu has trained and supported businesses in implementing this strategy based on a study focused on the greatest strategic successes of international groups in the last fifteen years. “We were inspired, but also trained and certified, on the basis of the book Blue Ocean Strategy published in 2005 in the United States by American Renée Mauborgne and Korean W. Chan Kim, both professors at the European Institute of Business Administration (INSEAD) in Fontainebleau.

The Ocean Blue strategy is part of the wide range of company strategies. It is a strategy which invites you to imagine new fields, enabling strong differentiation, so you can design new economic models, be relevant in the marketplace and maximise value capture. The idea is to propose an offer which is radically different from that of the market and the most convincing possible,” explained Cyril Durand.

Blue Ocean methods are based on visual tools which promote the understanding and communication of companies’ products and services. The idea is to then explore the possibilities better and select the best avenues to follow. “The world is currently changing fast with digital transition which is an inevitable change,” Cyril Durand explained. Presented as a structured method which simplifies the creative and innovative process, the Blue Ocean strategy aims to reduce risks and allow you to stand out from the competition via differentiation or even disruption.


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