The Basque Country Technology Park is hosting SDU workshops

The workshops, which bring together professionals from the SDU “Academic Development Scheme”, supported by the Basque Country Urban Authority, are mainly being held at the Arkinova business generator with representatives from the Basque Country’s higher education system.
As the second largest urban area in the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region, the Basque Country Urban Authority hopes to develop its academic reach with its ambition to build a “Basque Country Campus,” which could welcome almost 10,000 students by 2025. In June 2018, the Basque Country Urban Community organised the “Basque Country University Conference” to associate academic professionals to the project.
As a follow-up, the Basque Country Urban Authority is currently organising thematic workshops with professionals from higher education. The goal of the latter is to work on the readability of the training offer, partnerships between establishments, student-entrepreneurship and university life on a regional scale. Three workshops focused on international study, science and techniques, student-entrepreneurship & innovation, are currently taking place at the Arkinova Business Generator.
Contact at the Basque Country Urban Authority: Pierre-Alain Garrain -