The Hiru agency has been nominated for the Equerre d’argent 2017 architectural award in the Première Œuvre (first project) category

The architectural firm based at the Arkinova Activity Generator was selected for its renovation of the Moumour school (Pyrénées- Atlantiques).
Every year, the prestigious Prix de l’Equerre d’Argent is awarded to an architect and their contracting authority for an exceptional building delivered during the year. Awarded by the journal Le Moniteur des Travaux Publics et du Bâtiment since 1983, this year the trophy is divided into five categories: culture, young people and sport, housing, workplace, engineering structure and first project.
“We applied at the end of the summer and have recently learned that we have been selected for the Equerre d'Argent in the first project category. Just being nominated is already a great achievement. “It’s the first sign of recognition from the profession and gives us visibility at national level,” said Axelle Lieux who, together with Emmanuel Liang and Antoine Pradier, created the Hiru agency at the beginning of 2015. Since December 2016, the offices of this young agency have been based at the Arkinova Activity Generator.
The agency was nominated for its renovation project of the Moumour school in Béarn. This 576 m² building was opened at the end of June. Designed to blend in in a contemporary way with the village by re-interpreting local architectural styles, the school was constructed using local materials such as slate and wood.
Of the 217 projects received, twenty-five were selected by the magazines Le Moniteur and AMC for this 35th Prix de l’Equerre d’argent, of which five were in the first project category. The announcement of the 2017 winners and the award ceremony will take place on 27 November at the Palais d’Iéna in Paris.
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