The E+C- label presented to professionals

The Arkinova Activity Generator hosted a presentation conference for the brand new “Energy-Plus Building & Carbon Reduction” label managed by French Environment and Energy Management Agency (ADEME) of the New Aquitaine region on 31 March.
The “Energy-Plus Building and Carbon Reduction” label, (the E+C- label) was officially presented by the Ministry for Housing at the end of 2016, and is based on a new calculation method and new indicators for evaluating the energy and environmental performances of buildings. Only institutions certified by the State can grant this label.
The public institutions are beginning a national experiment over two years aiming to carry out tests in real conditions with the goal of allowing professionals in the sector to understand and take ownership of this experimentation. The idea is to prepare for the future environmental regulations planned for 2020 and promote the generalization of positive-energy buildings with low carbon footprints.
It is therefore to “co-construct the future regulations” that Eric Aufaure, Building and Economic Activity Unit Coordinator for the Environment and Energy Management Agency (ADEME) in the New Aquitaine region, presented this label to around twenty professionals from the sector on Friday 31 March at the Arkinova Activity Generator in Anglet.
The entrepreneurs, architects and office representatives at this conference initiated by the Bateko cluster were therefore able to understand this initiative with financial backing via ADEME calls for projects.
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