The UPPA I-SITE label enters its operational phase

Led by Gilles Pijaudier-Cabot, formerly director of ISA BTP, the E2S project - E2S for "solutions for energy and the environment" - was selected last February in the I-SITE call for projects. Today, this programme sponsored by the University of Pau and Pays de l'Adour is launching its first research projects.
What is the aim of this I-SITE label?
The aim of the I-SITE label - I-SITE for "Initiatives in Science, Innovation, Territories, Economics" - is to develop research and training clusters with an international reach in France. The label is the result of different excellence initiatives launched as part of the national programme for future investment. Nine universities were awarded the Idex label (Initiative d’excellence) and nine others the I-SITE label last February. The I-SITE label brings the consortium formed by the University of Pau and Pays de l’Adour (UPPA), the INRA (National Institute for Agricultural Research) and the INRIA(National Institute for Research in Computer Sciences & Control) an endowment capital of €190m, the interest from which - some €6m - the consortium will receive each year.
What is the specific nature of the E2S project sponsored by this consortium between the UPPA, the INRA and the INRIA?
The consortium between the UPPA, the INRA and the INRIA directly involves 600 people, but also concerns 6,000 people in the economic area covered by the UPPA who are associated with this initiative. Among the nine I-SITEs we are the only one not to be located in a regional metropolitan centre and also the only one not to follow a logic of merging research institutions, but rather one of "merging" with the economic sector in the local area. E2S stands for "Solutions for Energy and the Environment" and our project aims to find and propose solutions on the theme of energy transition. Although of course we are working on science and technology, we also integrate social sciences such as sociology and law in our projects. The overall budget for the E2S project over the next four years is €86m, funded by the State, the consortium and the local authorities, including the Basque Country Urban Authority, and industrial firms.
What are the ambitions of the E2S project?
The University of Pau and Pays de l'Adour is already known as a niche of excellence. We want to continue improving further and to position the region on the world research map. We want to increase the number of our master's students by 30% with students coming from the best universities in the world and we are also aiming for a 50% increase in the number of PhD students. E2S will rely on technology transfers, innovations and the development of specialist technical facilities. The idea is to create as much porosity as possible between academic and social and economic environments. We have just approved ten research projects and awarded 19 student bursaries. A total of €5m has been devoted to these first projects. Most of this work will be conducted on the Pau and Anglet sites.
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