The I-SITE label provides new perspectives for UPPA

The University of Pau and Pays de l'Adour has been awarded the I-SITE label, which will entail international recognition and financial support for its E2S project (energy and environmental solutions).
In March 2016 the University of Pau and Pays de l'Adour responded to the I-Site call for projects in the framework of the Investments for the Future programme. Its aim is to “enable France to possess internationally-recognised higher education and research which is also competitive in the field of innovation and technology”.
The project submitted by UPPA was selected on 24 February 2017 alongside ones from seven universities also accredited with the I-Site label (“Initiatives Sciences, Innovation, Territories, Economy”). The University is due to benefit from a capital-grant of €190 million, and will receive the annual interest on this capital each year, i.e. approximately €6.1 million for topics identified as being I-Site. If, after four years, UPPA has kept to its specifications, it will retain the capital.
The E2S project (energy and environmental solutions) is led by a consortium composed of the University of Pau and Pays de l’Adour, the French National Institute for Computer Science and Control (INRIA) and the French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA), and addresses the topic of energy and environmental transition. The project has been built in synergy with industrial and academic partners of UPPA and with local authorities including the Pays Basque Urban Community.
The E2S project addresses challenges relating to energy transition, geo-resources, aquatic environments and environmental impacts from natural and anthropogenic changes. The project will be conducted in coherence with developments in research and innovation by big partner groups. The aim is to respond to identified scientific problems such as CO2 storage, production of biogas, batteries of the future or the development of fully-electric aeroplanes.
Scientists, sociologists and legal experts will be striving to develop UPPA’s international attractiveness through training and research projects in cutting-edge fields with worldwide institutions, such as Stanford and Berkeley Universities in California, and the famous Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).
Find out more by downloading the presentation of the E2S project (PDF):
Website of the E2S project: