The lumbrifilter presented at Arkinova

This European project, coordinated by the Nobatek/INEF4 Technological Centre in the Arkinova Science Park in Anglet, is a sustainable waste water treatment system.A visit to this pilot installation is organised on 14 February at Arkinova.
This is a sustainable waste water treatment system based on the action of earthworms and micro-organisms, which digest the organic matter and prevent the production of sludge. Inspired by nature, this process reduces the carbon footprint for water treatment thanks to its low consumption of energy and the fact that there is no need to drain it. This system can be used on isolated sites, which are not connected to water treatment plants, such as in the urban environment, in order to relieve the load on water treatment plants.
This project, which is coordinated by the Nobatek/INEF4 Technology Centre, is part of the European INNOQUA (Innovative Bio-based on-site Sanitation system for Water and Resource Savings) Project, which includes 20 international partners and 13 pilot sites in 10 countries. Launched in June 2016 as part of the H2020 programme, this system, patented by Nobatek/INEF4, together with the results in its first year of operation, will be presented on the Arkinova site at Anglet on 14 February next.
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