The 2019 Dolomieu Prize for Gilles Pijaudier-Cabot

Gilles Pijaudier-Cabot a professor at the Laboratory of Complex Fluids and Their Reservoirs at UPPA, based at the Arkinova site in Anglet, has won an award for his research, which is mainly focused on and damage and fracture of materials.
The Dolomieu prize was created by the Geology and Mining Research Agency (BRGM) - the National Geology Service - in 1998; it rewards outstanding research in the field of geoscience. Gilles Pijaudier-Cabot was honoured at the Science Academy’s award ceremony, which took place under the dome at the prestigious French Institute on 15 October 2019.
The professor at the Laboratory of Complex Fluids and their Reservoirs at UPPA, won the prize for his research work, which makes it possible to better understand how to fracture rocks to make them more permeable, or on the other hand, how to monitor their water tightness or preserve their resistance. According to the BRGM, this research could have multiple applications in geothermal energy as well as in gas and oil production.
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