The Ecomasterclass comes to Arkinova

The national collective coaching and open innovation programme for eco-innovative companies organised by the RETIS network in partnership with the ADEME recently came to the Arkinova business generator.
For three years, the National Network of Territories and Innovation Ecosystems, RETIS, has been running the Ecomasterclass programme, with the support of the Agency for the Environment and Energy Management, ADEME.
Targeting the start-ups and eco-innovative SMEs supported by the RETIS (and its partner networks) as well as the professionals working in these networks, the Ecomasterclass is a training and coaching initiative.
Eight eco-innovative companies identified in the Aquitaine region were invited on 9 November to a one-day event organised at the Arkinova business generator:
• GreenMe, based in Aire-sur l’Adour (40), is developing a work environment improvement project based on a connected object – "the cube" - capable of measuring ten comfort and health-related parameters.
• Bric Aquaponic is a project based at the Arkinova business generator's incubator. Bric Aquaponic aims to develop green panels including a healthy, sustainable vertical plant and animal production system.
• Civiltech is a project that has come out of the University of Bordeaux's I2M research laboratory, which will allow the precise evaluation of the mechanical performances of existing masonry structures, in particular those made of natural stone.
• Based in Pau, Noostrim is a business services company that is looking at plastic food packaging and developing a health, reusable smart food tray.
• A factory in Felix (Garlin, 64) intends to produce French craft skis equipped with embedded technology, made from wood and natural fibres.
• Vracoop, is a firm set up in 2017 and based at the Izarbel Technology Park whose aim is to facilitate the daily lives of shopkeepers dispensing and charging for loose goods with a till price calculation system that automates taring and an innovative dispensing system.
• SMP Industry (Capbeton, 40) is a company that designs, develops, assembles and produces energy production units using solar power. The Solar Magic Panel project is developing an innovative electricity, water and hot air production system.
• Wave Bumper, based on the Technocité Technology Park, is a system for preventing the risk of submersion and protecting exposed coastlines. It consists of moveable dykes, a risk alert application and positioning protocol software.
The day began with one-and-a-half-minute pitches by each of the companies, giving a brief overview of their project. This was then followed by presentations lasting about ten minutes completed by answers to the questions of a "talent pool" of national experts made up of Hervé Daniel, Director of CEEI Creativ, Marie-Laurence Wacquez, Assistant Incubation Manager at ENGIE, Etienne Clarerboudt, Entrepeneurship Manager at KIC Climate and Raluca Vataseanu, Business Creation Manager of KIC Innonergy.
This Ecomasterclass organised at the Arkinova business generator was an opportunity for the firms taking part to refine their strategy and benefit from the expertise of the RETIS partners. The Arkinova event was the final leg of the seven-leg 2017 national Ecomasterclass tour.
A follow-up day for all the participants will take place on 23 November in Paris. This final event will close the programme with an "open innovation day" and business-to-business meetings between the firms that took part and major national groups and funders.
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