The Arkinova ecosystem present at the Innobat trade fair

A morning dedicated to innovation in construction was hosted by the actors of the Arkinova Tecnology Park during the Innobat trade fair on the 8 and 9 November.
For its 21styear, the Innobat trade fair brought together nearly 130 exhibitors from the regional construction and public works sector and 5000 visitors at the Halle d’Iraty in Biarritz. Innobat is aimed at professionals and offers them the opportunity to discover new products in the structural and finishing trades, interior and exterior equipment, IT and services.
In addition to the 8,000m2 of exhibition space, Innobat offered various conference sessions and round tables. The two mornings were organised by the Regional Centre for Sustainable Construction and Development in Aquitaine (CREAHd), including one devoted to innovation in partnership with the Arkinova Business Generator. The Arkinova ecosystem and its various actors that specialise in sustainable construction were spotlighted.
The morning began with a conference on the subject of bioclimatic and passive housing. Hosted in two parts by Sandra Ripeau of the Carbone 64 design office located at the Arkinova Activity Generator, and architect Betrand Ottmer of OK Architecture in Pau, this discussion demonstrated that these two concepts can be addressed in a complementary way during the initial design phase.
The second part of the morning took the form of a round table co-led by Benjamin Leroux (CREAHd cluster leader) and Marie-Agnès Barrière (Arkinova Business Generator manager). The theme, "Innovation for all", was approached through feedback from sustainable building professionals, who gave their accounts:
· Jean-Jacques Etcheberry of Ordiarp Etxe Berri specialising in the renovation of old buildings;
· Christophe Cantau of the Anglet NOBATEK/Inef4 applied research centre;
· Christophe Bagieu of the Cantau High School, also located in Anglet on the Arkinova site;
· Juhane Dascon of the Bayonne-based company Arkeo International, which designs and produces steel structures;
· Bertrand Canigiani, founder of Arkiturria, a company that develops aquaponics systems integrated into buildings from the Arkinova Business Generator
· And Vincent Collet from the Think+ agency, which supports companies in the development of responsible innovation projects from the Izarbel science park in Bidart.
Their experiences and discussions made it possible to review the different stages of innovation from ideation to implementation of the innovative idea. The importance of being accompanied at each stage of this process by a complete and specialised ecosystem such as the one found on the Arkinova site was highlighted by the participants and their auditors.
Contact Arkinova Business Generator:
Marie-Agnès Barriere – E-mail :