The Entreps, training to create your own business

The national Association ‘Les Entrepreneuriales’ (the Enterprising) offers those under thirty, whether students or looking for work, training to create a business or start-up in a multi-skills team. A pitching and team-building evening will be held on 12 October in Bayonne.
This programme is compatible with study or a job and gives the opportunity of trying out entrepreneurship for five months (from November to March). With mentoring from a coach and the support of a business leader, multidisciplinary teams of between 3 and 5 young people train to create a business or a start-up. Over 10,000 young people have now been supported since the creation of the Entreps, the association known as ‘Les Entrepreneuriales’ has helped create almost 150 businesses.
To take part in this programme, you must first register on the dedicated platform ( then take part in a pitching and team-building evening. In the Pays Basque, this evening will take place on Monday 12 October at 6 pm at TALIS Business School, 15 rue Vauban Bayonne.
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