The UPPA is launching a professional degree in advanced computer programming

The Bayonne Pays Basque IUT is offering a new training course aimed at enhancing programming skills for the development of innovative projects. The first year of the course is planned for October 2017.
The I.T. Department of University of Pau and the Pays de l’Adour Technology Institute is based on the Montaury campus at the heart of the Arkinova Technology Park and will be launching a new degree in October 2017.
This vocational degree in “advanced programming” will take place between October 2017 and Mai 2018, alternating between the IUT in Anglet, and the business that will host the student. This degree is on offer to students who have graduated from 1st cycle courses (BTS, DUT, two-year degrees) in I.T. fields, and to professionals wanting to learn new skills. The class will contain 16 student-apprentices.
“The goal is to respond to the local economic fabric of start-ups and SMEs that are looking for competent programmers for innovative projects,” explained Philippe Roose, head of the IUT’s I.T. Department during the program’s presentation, in mid-April.
It is because the careers of programmer/analysts or developers are in constant flux that the curriculum of this program will vary from one year to the next to adapt to evolving technology. The teaching staff will be comprised of two thirds of professors and one third of professionals, to try and keep as close as possible to businesses’ aims and standards.
“It really is a course for the passionate”, insists Philippe Roose in his presentation of this degree course, for which local entrepreneurs were already expressing their interest. The curriculum divided into nine teaching segments covers already quickly growing sectors such as connected objects, web programming or big data, and technology that is being developed by local start-ups and SME’s
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