Cross-border project for the Compagnons d’Anglet

The training centre of the Fédération Compagnonnique d’Anglet will be helping with works to extend the museum and shipyard at Pasaia situated in the Spanish Basque Country, in partnership with a training centre in Pamplona, also located on the far side of the River Bidasoa.
Students from the training centres of the Fédération Compagnonnique d’Anglet on the Arkinova technology park and from the Integrated Centre of Donibane in Spain will soon be working together on the Gaztegur cross-border project, which also involves the Albaola de Pasaia shipyard and museum, the host of the project.
The objective of the Gaztegur project is to construct modules in pre-assembled wood which will make up the structures of a new wooden hall to be used as a dining-room and multipurpose facility at the Pasaia shipyard and museum. Students and interns from both centres have already produced digitised models and a reduced scale prototype. Some ten days on site will be needed to install the structure.
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