Make it a date at Ark’innoves 28 June // Self-consumption

The next Ark'innoves meeting is scheduled to take place at the Arkinova Business Generator (73, rue Mirambeau - Anglet) 28 June, from 10 am to 2 pm, on the topic of self-consumption. The Pays Basque Urban Authority, its partners Arkinova, the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region and ADEME (French Environment and Energy Management Agency) offer attendees the chance to find out about regulatory, technological and financial opportunities for developing self-consumption of electricity in buildings using renewable energy sources.
On the programme:
9.45 am - Welcome
10 am – Increasing self-consumption – Context and regulatory changes / Alain Mestdagh – ADEME
10.45 am – The Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region promotes self-consumption, feedback on projects already funded and presentation of the new call for projects / Mr Latorre Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region
11.15 am – Self-consumption - technological situational analysis / Fredéric Betbeder – NOBATEK/INEF4 and Presentation of the EMS (Energy Management System) Tool / Jean-Charles Mulet - BERTIN Technologies
11.45 am – Feedback from two project promoters / Julien Menault - INELIA and Germain Gourranton - BERTIN Technologies
12.30 pm – Luncheon cocktail and discussions
Ø To register, please complete the form online