Odeys cluster seminar in Arkinova

The administrative team of the new Nouvelle-Aquitaine sustainable construction and development cluster met at the Arkinova Business Generator in early July. The aim was to coordinate the organisational structure of this association resulting from the merger of the Eco-habitat cluster (Limousin-Poitou-Charentes) and the CREAHd cluster (Aquitaine).
The thirteen employees of the Odeys cluster created on May 14 were hosted at the Arkinova Business Generator for two days for a working seminar designed to bring together the five employees of the CREAHd cluster (construction, resources, environment, sustainable development and housing) and the eight employees of the Eco-habitat cluster. “We worked on the new organisational structure of the Odéys cluster, which brings together the Eco-Habitat association with 182 members and the CREAHd association with 150 members. We chose to meet in Anglet to immerse ourselves in a different area of the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region to Poitiers, where the headquarters of Odéys is, and Bordeaux, the region’s largest metropolis," explains Catherine Herrero, Director of Administration and Financial and Human Resources at Odéys.
Six regional offices including Anglet
With thirteen permanent staff members now working in a single team spread over six branches (Bordeaux, Poitiers, La Rochelle, Limoges, Anglet, Saint-Geours-de-Maremne), the Odéys cluster is headed by Catherine Herrero and Vincent Seppeliades. Chaired by Christophe Philipponneau and Alain Denat (Vice Chair), the Odéys cluster benefits from the auspices of professional organisations in the construction and public works sectors and economic support from the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region and the French Agency for the Environment and Management of Energy (Ademe). With nearly 350 members representing the construction and public works industry in Nouvelle-Aquitaine (local authorities, companies, professional organisations, training and research actors, contracting authorities etc.) Odéys's mission is to develop competitiveness, accelerate growth, offer services and drive cross-functional innovation in these sectors.
Contact the Odeys Arkinova cluster: Benjamin L