A new degree course for digital modelling

A vocational degree entitled “GEO 3D: The design and use of digital models for the construction industry” will be launched in September and will supplement the offer of courses for the construction professions on the Arkinova technopolitan site.
At the beginning of the 2017-2018 academic year, the Bayonne and Basque Country IUT (University Technology Institute) will launch a new vocational degree drawing on the expertise of the Bayonne IUT, the Lycée Cantau and the ISA BTP with the support of the Nouvelle Aquitaine Region. The educational programme for this degree will be delivered on the Montaury compass within the Arkinova technopolitan site.
This programme is a 1st degree level course intended to meet the demands of businesses in the construction sector seeking technicians skilled in the design and use of digital construction modelling. This innovative technology is developing rapidly.
The modelling of construction data (BIM or building information modelling) and the management of the data it contains is likely to become widespread in the building industry. 3D allows all the information useful for the design and construction of a building to be identified and represented, and also all the different stakeholders to be involved before a project.
The new course proposed by the Bayonne and Basque Country IUT will offer training in all the complementary skills in the fields of the acquisition and processing of digital data, land and aerial photogrammetry (acquired by drones) and geolocation, the design and processing of digital models (BIM), and building and constructions, both new and undergoing renovation.
The holders of this vocational degree “GEO 3D: The design and use of digital models for the construction industry” will be able to use their skills in connection with BIM technology development projects and take charge of the management of teams implementing this type of project.
Find out more at: www.lycee-cantau.net/index.php/licence-professionnelle-batiment-et-construction-geo3d