An innovative biomimetic air purification solution soon to be tested in real-life conditions by PureNat

Based on a patented material, Natacha Kinadjian Caplat has developed air purification systems for buildings that destroy chemical pollutants and viruses. The PureNat company, established at the Business Generator incubator in Arkinova, intends to carry out testing in real-life conditions and then to launch its innovation in 2021.
“Since I moved to the Business Generator last January, I have been 100% focussed on this project which combines my skills in materials development with my expertise in the field acquired at NOBATEK/INEF4 to guarantee healthy air in buildings,” explains Natacha Kinadjian Caplat. A Doctor in the physical chemistry of materials, she launched the PureNat company after four years of professional experience at the NOBATEK/INEF4technology research centre for sustainable construction, also located on the Arkinova technology park in Anglet.
Her project is based on a patent lodged during her thesis at the CNRS, to which she holds the exploitation rights. The patented material appears in the form of cable, fabric or a filter integrated into objects found in buildings (acoustic correctors, light fittings, etc.). This flexible material enables chemical pollutants, viruses and bacteria to be destroyed by imitating natural photosynthesis.
“The proof of the concept has been validated, the objective is to industrialize the production of the cable next January, and to finish the tests in real-life conditions in September 2021 to launch the marketing at the end of 2021. The first target market is that of establishments visited by the public and subject to regulations on air quality such as health settings, nurseries and schools,” explains Natacha Kinadjian Caplat who has an incubator grant from the Agglomération Pays Basque and from the SATT Aquitaine (Chrysa-link).
The project is also supported by the ADI, the Nouvelle Aquitaine Region and BPI via the Tremplin Innovation service. In order to develop PureNat, she is looking for an associate in market strategy, commercial strategy and communication.