ID Ocean
An oceanographer developing Renewable Marine Energies in the Basque Country

Since December, Boris Bouchet has worked for the Pays Basque Urban Authority and the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region, studying the potential for developing Renewable Marine Energies in the south Aquitaine area, and thus strengthen the Ocean Start project.
Boris Bouchet, who holds two Master’s degrees in “The ecology and the dynamics of coastlines and estuaries” and “ Coastline oceanography” works as a scientific and technical coordinator, as part of a partnership agreement between the Pays Basque Urban Authority and the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region. His mission is of course related to the Pays Basque Urban Authority’s position on the blue economy, in particular with the Ocean Start project, a technology park of the future dedicated to this theme.
Boris Bouchet began this task with a work placement completed between March and September 2016 with the aim of identifying and obtaining existing oceanographic data to feed into a geographic information system (GIS) dedicated to local renewable marine energies. This work placement was finally extended when he was hired. “Identifying renewable marine energies, improving knowledge of the Adour estuary and highlighting data are the three foci of my mission” Boris Bouchet summarised.
His work complements that of the Blue Sare project being run by the “Cluster de Energia” in partnership with the Pays Basque Urban Authority, which aims to support the development of a Euro/regional offer dedicated to renewable marine energies. In short, the study conducted by Boris Bouchet should lead to a meticulous analysis of the south Aquitaine coastline in order to facilitate the establishment of a wave farm in this region.