ID Ocean
Call for projects in energy and ecology transition

On many issues, this appeal for projects in the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region aims to bring out and support initiatives and actions in the service of the environment and biodiversity.
This appeal for projects has been launched by the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region to help conserve and restore biodiversity, mitigate climate change, adapt the territories to these changes, preserve the quality of the natural environment and promote awareness-raising among all players.
The call for projects is built around the following themes: landscape and quality of life, day and night ecological networks, nature in the city, pollinators, water quality and marine biodiversity and businesses, soil decontamination and improvement of coastal waters, bioinspiration and biomimetics.
Two periods for filing applications have been defined with the first being from 15 April to 15 July 2020 then a second period from 16 July to 30 October 2020. All anticipated costs relating to the project must be detailed in the application requesting a grant. As part of the project instruction, the Region will determine eligible costs retained for finance. The amount of the grant is calculated on the basis of the eligible expenditure.
For information and application dossiers: