ID Ocean
Call for marine technology projects

Trans-national research and innovation projects on marine and maritime technologies will be funded as part of the European Commission's Horizon 2020 ERA-NET Cofund programme.Application files must be submitted before 27 March next.
This call for projects is directed at public research organisations and businesses, with the condition that they have to be presented by a minimum of two eligible, independent, legal bodies from at least two eligible countries: Germany, Belgium, Belarus, Spain, France, Ireland, Malta, Norway, Poland, Romania and Turkey.
The French partners will be supported by the National Research Agency (ANR) which will only fund projects concerning sensors, automation, surveillance and observation systems.
This call comprises an assessment in two stages, with a closing date for the first stage fixed for 17 March 2020. It is to be noted that the calls for projects in 2017 and 2019 selected 31 projects, which required support of €38 million.
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