ID Ocean
The Nouvelle-Aquitaine region is launching a call for projects in ‘Bio-inspired design – Marine biomimicry’

The objective is the emergence of and support for innovative projects using the creative approach of bio-inspired design. Businesses may apply from 1st October to 31 December and awareness-raising workshops will be organised in the region including one at Créaluz on 12 November.
The call for projects in ‘Bio-inspired design – Marine biomimicry’ is aimed at projects based on the observation of marine organisms and/or applied to sectors of the marine economy. In addition to encouraging and supporting business initiatives stemming from a creative bio-inspired approach, this call for projects aims to respond to the environmental, societal, organisational and economic issues of the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region, taking inspiration from the natural world for sustainable innovation. Launched by the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region, this call for projects also hopes to address the objectives set by the Region’s Neo Terra roadmap.
In order to apply, manufacturing companies and industrial services must have their applicant establishment or their head office located in Nouvelle-Aquitaine. Companies, research laboratories, technological resource centres, competitiveness hubs and/or clusters must include at least one manufacturing company located in Nouvelle-Aquitaine in their collaborative projects. The amount of aid is calculated on the basis of eligible expenditure and the minimum eligibility threshold for projects is set at € 5000.
In order to provide companies with information and to help them develop their projects, the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region and the CEEBIOS (Centre Européen d'Excellence en Biomimétisme de Senlis(European Centre of Excellence in Biomimicry at Senlis)) are organising workshops on ‘Innovation & Biomimicry’ from 6 October to 12 November in Nouvelle-Aquitaine. These workshops led by CEEBIOS aim to raise awareness of the issues of biomimicry and provide an introduction to the methodology of bio-inspired design. The Créaluz science park incubator, at Saint-Jean-de-Luz, will host a workshop on Thursday 12 November from 5 pm to 7 pm (prior registration required - click here)
For more information on the call for projects in ‘Bio-inspired design – Marinebiomimicry’ and application forms: