ID Ocean
The Basque Country Technology Park present at Biomim’expo 2019

The Basque Country Urban Authority will be a partner at the biomimetics exhibition held on October 22, 2019, at the Cité des Sciences in La Villette, Paris. Companies and stakeholders from the Basque Country Technology Park will be there to showcase their expertise.
After a day of conferences held at Paris City Hall on September 11, over 2,000 participants are expected at the biomimetics and bio-inspired innovation event at Cité des Sciences in La Villette on October 22, 2019. The Biomim’expo exhibition’s goal is to showcase biomimetics to players in the scientific world, to manufacturers in addition to decision-makers and managers in the public and private sectors wishing to discover another way of thinking about innovation, cooperation and management. Students, entrepreneurs, and start-up founders are also expected.
This event, which is open to variety of publics, will be hosted at the Cité des Sciences in la Villette, Paris. The latter boasts a 2,000 m² exhibition hall where the Basque Country Urban Authority and the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region will have a dedicated area. Stakeholders from the Basque Country Technology Park like the MANTA research chair or the Scale start-up will showcase their work. The marine biomimetics “Pole of Excellence” architectural project winner, backed by the Basque Country Urban Authority, will also be presented.
The Biomim’expo exhibition offers activities, workshops and conferences organised in the large Gaston Berger lecture theatre, mainly provided by Joël de Rosnay, a scientist, perspectivist and writer from the Basque Coast who has been invited as Grand Témoin at the opening plenary session. The Basque Country Technology Park will take part in the framework of a workshop organised by the Nouvelle Aquitaine Region entitled “When biomimetics becomes a strategic regional focus”.
It is worthy of note, that as Biomim’expo 2019 partners, the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region and the Basque Country Urban Authority have some advantages, like a dedicated exhibition area to which regional biomimetics players have been invited, and invitation cards.
Contact: Delphine Mathou -
Find out more about Biomim’expo