ID Ocean
The Ocean as an answer to the challenges of tomorrow

A biomimetics open day organized on 18 March 2017 in Biarritz brought together leaders in science, design, the environment and industry for this novel initiative, and reinforced the Ocean Start project by the signing of a future partnership.
The event was kicked off by the signature of a partnership between Michel Veunac, the Mayor of Biarritz and Vice-President of the Pays Basque Urban Authority in charge of tourist attractiveness and the marine economy, and Pascale Loiseur, the Mayor of Senlis, Antonio Molina, the president of the Centre Européen d'Excellence en BIOmimétisme de Senlis (CEEBIOS) and Nicolas Thierry, Vice-President of the Regional Council of New Aquitaine in charge of the environment and biodiversity. The goal of this partnership: a CEEBIOS office aimed at the marine section of biomimetics that will be set up in the Pays Basque Urban Authority’s future Ocean Start Technology Park, with future partnerships to be developed.
On the theme of “the ocean as a source of inspiration and innovation”, it is the innovative concept of biomimetics that brought together different conference and roundtable participants at the Cité de L’Océan in Biarritz. Presented as a “real opportunity for the future”, biomimetics ultimately consists of conducting research differently, by seeking inspiration from nature to find partial solutions and inventions produced by nature. An exhibition, presenting objects, applications or works of art inspired by biomimetics perfectly illustrated the philosophy of this field, considered a solution to sustainable economic development.
The presentation by Patricia Ricard, president of the Paul Ricard Oceanographic Institute, was particularly remarkable, placing biomimetic methods in a general context of environmental urgency. Drawing inspiration from what nature does perfectly in order to preserve the environment is an axis of successful sustainable development. During a roundtable bringing together entrepreneurs, scientists and Aquitaine researchers, several concrete examples of innovation created along the Basque Coast were presented; cosmetics made from algae, or surfboard-like creations inspired by fish fins, are projects that have already gained support from the Pays Basque Urban Authority, and will be able to impart their know-how as part of the future Ocean Start Technology Park.