13th call for proposals for Nouvelle-Aquitaine Special Transformation (Transformateur spécial Nouvelle-Aquitaine)

Organised with the support of the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region, Direccte (Regional Management of Businesses, Competition, Consumption, Work and Employment), and the Agency for Development and Innovation in Nouvelle Aquitaine, this call for proposals encourages digital solutions, support systems and reorganisation projects related to the quality of life at work.
This regional call for proposals addresses organisational or internal managerial innovation, the implementation or optimisation of a digital solution, and the implementation or optimisation of business support methods, and the project must also combine technological and social innovation. Its aim is to improve the quality of life at work and the use of digital technology.
Large corporations, micro-enterprises, SMEs, associations, start-ups, public bodies, consultancy firms, and self-employed people who work in Nouvelle-Aquitaine can respond to this 13th call for proposals for Nouvelle Aquitaine Special Transformation. Around ten candidates will be selected and supported so they can launch their projects. The application deadline is 12pm on 4th October.
Information and application files: https://www.letransformateur.fr/13e-appel-a-projets-nouvelle-aquitaine