24 hours of Innovation, inventive as ever

The results of the tenth edition of 24 Hours of Innovation (16 and 17 December 2016) have again demonstrated the creative energy of this event organised by ESTIA at the Izarbel Technology Park, along with live link ups to other sites.
The principle of the 24 Hours of Innovation event remained the same for its 10th edition: businesses, laboratories and inventors suggest design topics or the development of products and services to teams composed of students and professionals who have to come up with inventive solutions within 24 hours.
More than 200 students met up at ESTIA in 30 teams, along with 15 overseas and international teams via live links with Reunion Island, Italy, the UK and Tunisia. Twenty-seven topics were put forward.
The first prize was awarded to the ‘L’Equipe en Vrac’ team for the ‘La Juste Dose’ (The Right Dose) project to facilitate sales of loose, unpackaged food for the supplier, distributor and consumer, by developing a new economical and easy-to-use silo system. The 24 Hours of Innovation 2016 prize list also included second and third prizes, a people’s prize, a prize for the best prototype, a sports innovation prize, and a prize awarded to one of the international teams.
The innovation conference on oceans and sustainable development, science workshops for children, entertainment, and shows were just some of the events organised during the 24 Hours of Innovation. Once again, the 24 Hours of Innovation devised by the engineering school in Izarbel demonstrated all the originality and energy of ESTIA.
Full results at: http://24h.estia.fr/fr/