6th mobility challenge: registrations are open!

The 6thMobility Challenge will take place on 21 September on the territory of the Pays Basque Urban Authority, namely 158 municipalities.
Its aim? To encourage employees to opt for alternative modes of travel to the private car for their home/work journeys: bike, walking, public transport, car sharing, etc. This is in order to inspire people to change their behaviour and help to reduce the environmental impacts linked to the widespread use of the car. With the promotion of this event, the organisers hope to inspire new habits.
In 2016, 38 institutions, businesses, administrative organisations and sporting and university establishments representing 697 employees from the former Côte Basque - Adour Urban Authority took part in the event.
This year, with the enlarged territory of the Basque Country, partner organisations - the Transport Union, ADEME, CCI, Chronoplus and Hegobus - are hoping for a high turnout.
After 21 September, the most “virtuous” establishments will be ranked in four categories, from fewer than 20 people to more than 500 people.
To take part in this operation, businesses, administrative organisations and other establishments can register for free on the website www.challengedelamobilite.com