€90,000 for innovation

The Basque Country Urban Authority is organising the seventh edition of the “Atelier de l’Innovation”. Companies can apply until midnight on Monday 30 September.
The Urban Authority has initiated a novel scheme to support innovative firms from the area. It is called: the “Atelier de l’Innovation” call for projects. Since 2013, it has backed start-ups which develop innovative products and have fewer than 20 employees.
As a result, 14 companies have been able to develop their projects, and some of them have also been able to create jobs thanks to a grant of €30,000 (maximum) and individual support from ESTIA, the partnering engineering school.
For this 7th edition, the total allocation will be €90,000 which will be awarded to a maximum of three companies with less than 20 employees.
Atelier de l’Innovation, user guide
Companies present projects, which are first analysed by a technical committee and then by a jury of councillors from the Urban Authority. Assessment is based on precise criteria: the degree of innovation, the project’s suitability to market expectations, its ability to be marketed and potentially exported, the product’s potential impact on local development, the project’s sustainability and the resources allocated to research and development (partnerships with laboratories or technological resource centres, hosting of Master’s degree or PhD interns, and intellectual property rights policy).
Applications should be submitted before midnight on Monday 30 September.
Download the call for project rules
Download the application form