A New Direction for the Construction and Public Works Cluster

Renamed 'Cluster Bateko', the Construction and Public Works cluster based at the Izarbel Technology Park is re-emphasising its focus on sustainable construction by working with a new director and continuing its relationship with players in the South Aquitaine Construction and Public Works sector.
In 2008, the 'Eskal Eureka' cluster was created with the aim of catalysing the integration of innovation – in particular via digital tools – within the South Aquitaine Construction and Public Works industry. Several steps have already been taken with the help of the RehabitaSystem project, a recipient of funding from the 'National Loan for Investments in the Future’.
'While our positioning as a technological platform has allowed us to lead innovative projects, it is important to protect this identity while also refocusing the cluster's attention on its members', explains Benjamin Leroux, the new cluster director. 'There is also a desire to forge closer ties with the CREAHd cluster in Bordeaux and the Eco-Habitat cluster in Poitiers to create a shared strategic thrust for the New Aquitaine region', he added.
The Bateko cluster has set itself the tasks of leading the network, responding to new calls for projects, developing training programmes for its members, supporting collaborative projects, conducting technology intelligence work, and supporting the promotion of its members. 'Our topic is sustainable construction, as innovation only has meaning if it incorporates an environmental or societal aspect', adds Benjamin Leroux. A new website will go live in the coming weeks to present the Bateko cluster's new purpose.
In the future, the Bateko cluster could contribute to the work of the Arkinova technology park.
Find out more: www.clusterbateko.com