Growing Business for 2MoRO

2MoRO, a software company developing fleet and maintenance management systems for the aeronautics industry, has recorded 10% growth and just been certified by Airbus Helicopters for its Aero-Webb software.
“The increase in our business is directly related to the takeover by the Sopra Steria group in August 2017,” explained Pierre Dagois, director of the company created at Izarbel in 2004. The Aero One, Aero-Webb and BFly software is now used in over 23 countries by aircraft operators and manufacturers as well as repair centers. 2MoRO currently has a staff of 33 at Izarbel with five new recruits hired in 2019 and just as many planned for 2020.
By joining the Sopra Steria group and its 41,000 employees in 2017, 2MoRO strengthened its position on the aerospace and defense market. “At the Paris Air Show, we showcased a new version of our Aero-Webb software suite designed for aircraft maintenance, fleet tracking and potential calculations. We worked on its user-friendliness with ESTIA teams and the Pigwii agency in Biarritz. We’re currently working on developing a logistics module that should be ready for presentation this quarter,” Pierre Dagois added.
Doing three-fourths of its business with the Safran, Dassault and Mitsubishi Aircraft Corporation groups, 2MoRO may open up new markets thanks to the Airbus Helicopters certification awarded earlier this year. “Being certified by the world’s leading civilian helicopter manufacturer and one of the main military helicopter manufacturers is confirmation of our expertise,” Pierre Dagois said.