Calldoor in the press

In response to the introduction of the ‘right to disconnect’ for staff in companies with over 50 employees on 1 January 2017, ED², a company based at Izarbel, has developed the Calldoor application and attracted the attention of the national press. Why? It offers companies an innovative tool to digitally disconnect.
Article L2242-8 of the French labour code states that companies with more than 50 employees must now begin negotiations on the right to disconnect. This is employees’ right not to be solicited with business calls or emails outside of their working hours. The aim is to implement ways to regulate digital communications so that employees’ work does not impede on their personal lives.
Negotiations will address “the ways in which the employee can exercise his or her right to disconnect and how the company can implement ways to regulate the use of digital tools in order to protect leisure time and holidays as well as personal and family life.” In the absence of an agreement, the company must develop a charter after consulting the works council, or if this is not possible, staff representatives, in order to define how staff can exercise the right to disconnect.
An application to disconnect
“We offer a tool that allows companies to help their employees exercise this right and go beyond what is stated in the charter”, explained Edouard Mongrand, one of the founders of ED², the company which has developed and sells the Calldoor application in the Izarbel technology park. Calldoor allows companies to remotely manage the use of their teams’ business smartphones. Launched in 2016, the application allows employers to screen and control types of calls and define the time slots when employees should be disconnected in the evening, at weekends and during their holidays.
With the “right to disconnect” coming into force on 1 January 2017, the subject is one of the year’s big stories among the economics and digital technology specialist press. Edouard Mongrand is frequently contacted by specialist journalists from national television channels and economic newspapers which use the Calldoor application as an example in their stories. “Interview topics cover the right to disconnect as well as the growth potential for the Calldoor application”, reports Eduouard Mongrand, who is enjoying the media attention and has already seen a strong increase in the number of visits to the Calldoor website and a rise in the number of orders.
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