Fundraising campaign for KOMPAÏ robotics

The start-up created on the Izarbel Technology Park is launching a crowdfunding campaign in order to be able to develop its next generation of physical and cognitive assistance robots.
Founded in July 2016 by Vincent Dupourqué and operational since the start of the year, KOMPAÏ is developing the KOMPAÏ robot which specialises in physical and cognitive assistance, a project started by Vincent Dupourqué some years ago.
This 1.4 m high/40 kg robot is designed for housing facilities for the dependent elderly (EHPAD). KOMPAÏ robotics is launching a crowdfunding campaign with the objective of raising €250,000 for the project’s development.
According to Vincent Dupourqué, over twenty jobs could be created over the next two years in response to demand in a very promising market.
Crowdfunding Platform:
KOMPAÏ robotics website:
Read more about the project: