Extra support for the Basque Country Technology Park

Aline Frésier has joined the Basque Country Urban Authority’s Economic Development Department team to coordinate the sailing, sliding sports and water sports sectors.
Aline Frésier joined the Urban Authority’s Economic Development Department last August for a position as “economic development project manager”. She is in charge of managing the new business incubator building & prototyping workshop in St-Jean-de-Luz, she also supports innovative project holders and animates the sailing, sliding sports and water sports sectors.
Aline Frésier is a materials engineering graduate from the National Institute of Applied Sciences in Lyon. She has four years of professional experience as a product and test engineer with one of world’s leading designers and distributors of sports and leisure equipment.
Her knowledge of the boardsports sector and understanding of product development, from design to prototype, and from testing to production launch, will strengthen the Basque Country Technology Park’s ecosystem. Aline Frésier is also a specialist in eco-design and as such, can advise the region’s project-holders and manufacturers intending to integrate sustainable development strategies in their business activities.
Contact: a.fresiercommunauté-paysbasque.fr