Strengthening the development of higher education, research and training

Since last January, Marion Claverie has been involved in developing higher education and research in our region, especially by reinforcing links between the various different players.
Since January, Marion Claverie has been keen to implement the guidelines drawn up within the framework of the University Development Scheme of the Pays Basque urban area initiated in 2017.
The person in charge of ‘Higher Education, Research and Training’ in the Communauté Pays Basque has a solid university career behind her. After a preparatory year in physics and chemistry in Pau, the thirty-year-old, originally from Nay, did her second year at the National Institute of Applied Sciences in Toulouse, leaving with her doctorate.
After supporting her thesis, the Doctor in Biochemical Engineering spent two years as a post doc student, including one as the MANTA Chair of Partnership Research at the University of Pau and Pays de l’Adour. This Chair is aimed at developing biomaterials from marine resources using a biomimetics approach (1).
“I am passionate about the world of research and higher education and delighted to be able to participate in developing it in our area,” states Marion Claverie. In her role as Head of ‘Higher Education, Research and Training’ this young woman is undertaking to lead and implement the ‘University Development Scheme’ by supporting its players in their research and training development projects. She also takes part in the management and monitoring of university investment, like the Cœur de Campus in Anglet, and follows the Technopole Pays Basque project with great attention.
“In line with the players in the ESR (UPPA, Estia, University of Bordeaux, secondary schools, etc.), I am helping construct a real Pays Basque Campus by setting up structural projects in the areas of sustainable construction and development, engineering and digital, the environment and the ocean, as well as International Studies,” she continues.
(1) The Communauté Pays Basque is a partner of the Manta Chair in the area of the development of the Environment and Ocean.
Contact: m.claverie