ESTIA Open Days

The engineering school, based at the Izarbel technology park, is opening its doors on Saturday 21 January 2017 from 9am until 1pm.
The Ecole Supérieure of Advanced Industrial Technologies (ESTIA) invites students in the final year of a science or “industrial and sustainable development science and technologies” secondary school baccalaureate, as well as students studying preparatory courses for university, studying a technology university degree, or in their second or third year of an undergraduate degree, to come and discover the school on Saturday 21 January 2017 from 9am until 1pm.
ESTIA engineering students are admitted after two or three years of scientific or technological training via selective applications (competitive exam, interview or written application). After three years studying at ESTIA, students receive an engineering degree (a European Master’s degree) that is recognised by the CTI, the engineering accreditation institution.
ESTIA prepares its students to become versatile engineers with expert knowledge in IT, telecommunications networks, mechanics, or energy and electronics. ESTIA engineers can pursue careers in aviation, the automobile sector, electronics, agri-food, capital goods and IT.
ESTIA also awards a second European degree via its four partner institutions: the University of Cranfield, the University of Salford-Manchester, and the University of Wolverhampton in the United Kingdom, as well as the Bilbao School of Engineering in Spain. 236 students are currently enrolled in the first year at ESTIA, and the school’s aim is to stabilise each year’s intake to around 230 students for a total of 700 students studying at one time.
Michèle Rouet - Tel: 00 33 (0)5 59 43 84 43 – E-mail: