Estia-Research is banking on interdisciplinarity

Directed by Nadine Couture, the Estia-Recherche cluster is distinctive for its inter-disciplinary team of researchers working on scientific, technological and societal themes, allowing it to respond to crosscutting projects.
“It’s a team bringing together 70 people, consisting of associate researchers, doctoral students, lecturer-researchers, professors, design engineers and research engineers. Around sixty of them work full-time for ESTIA” Nadine Couture informed us. Nadine is director of this research centre created in 1998 at the Izarbel Technology Park.
Estia-Recherche merged the Graphos and LIPSI laboratories, established at the ESTIA School of Engineering, and brings together multi-disciplinary teams in mechanics, electronics, informatics as well as human and social sciences. Estia-Recherche is developing a scientific project based in particular on the complex concept of “smart interfaces for engineering”.
“The idea is to give individuals greater abilities and power in carrying out their professional activities. Our projects are rooted in the industrial world and they are funded by responses to European or regional calls for projects as well as by partnerships with businesses. Our uniqueness lies in our systemic, overall multi-disciplinary approach” explained Nadine Couture.
The Estia-Recherche cluster thus works on themes as different as the use of augmented reality with the Malandain Ballet Biarritz, the introduction of robots in additive manufacturing centres and “smart grids”, electricity networks made intelligent by the use of information technology. So many themes require a multi-disciplinary approach, but always with the aim of fulfilling the double requirement of academic recognition and concrete benefits for businesses.