DevOps training at Izarbel

The Engineering School at Izarbel technology park is launching training combining the roles of developer and system administrator. Applications for this training, starting on 27 May, are now open and are reserved for job-seekers.
The training, organised by ESTIA, lasts two and a half months and is a fully supported ‘Operational preparation for collective employment (POEC)’. This training is unique in combining the professions of developer and system administrator and therefore offers quite a rare profile that is particularly appreciated by micro-businesses and SMEs in services and digital.
There are fourteen places open for this training that can be done remotely or by attending in person but the unpredictable evolution of the health crisis may force us to revert to remote training. The training is designed for rapid professional integration and also enables studies to be undertaken within a more comprehensive ‘New technologies developer’ course, also fully supported.
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