Training: how to convince your banker

ESTIA Entreprendre is offering a day of training on Thursday 20 April 2017 aimed at understanding the deciding factors in being able to “meet your banker confidently and succeed in convincing them.”
The program will take place at the Izarbel Technology Park from 9:00 am to 12:30 pm, then from 2:00 pm until 5:30 pm, moderated by Géraldine Limido. An agro-engineer specialized in management, economics and communication in agrarian activities, Ms. Limido has been an employee in a banking establishment for 10 years, with a wealth of experience in financing business creation projects.
The ESTIA Entreprendre training programs are free for project leaders and business founders assisted by the ESTIA Entreprendre Business Innovation Center, with paid access for the other participants.
Information and registration with Françoise Narbey: – 05 59 43 85 00