Geo-located home repairs

The Ty Happy application helps individuals find local tradespeople for home repairs and maintenance of household items year-round.
‘The idea is to instantly create a direct link between tradespeople and individuals. All you have to do is send a photo and a message describing the request, such as a problem with a lock, plumbing, or broken heating, to alert your local trades community in real time’, explains Patrick Larhantec, who launched the application at the start of 2016.
The application then manages the customer/provider relationship by requesting estimates, arranging appointments, and saving a log of work completed. Users can also leave recommendations and ratings. For tradespeople, Ty Happy provides a project management module including tools for managing customer relations.
Currently available for free, the application is set to become a pay service for tradespeople who will benefit from all-inclusive marketing and customer management tools.
Resident at the ESTIA Entreprendre incubator since November 2016, Ty Happy is run by Patrick Larhantec, head of a public works company of around forty employees. The idea for Ty Happy came to him after seeing the success of crowdsourcing websites. Today, Ty Happy has a community of 200 tradespeople and has been downloaded by a thousand private users.
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