11th edition of the 24h de l’Innovation

The Halle d'Iraty Conference Centre in Biarritz hosted this event organised by ESTIA on Friday 1 and Saturday 2 December. This edition of the 24h de l’Innovation will be open to the public and offer a range of exhibitions and activities.
The brainchild of Jérémy Legardeur, a lecturer at the ESTIA, the 24h de l’Innovation event is a concept that has been repeated annually for ten years now: companies, laboratories, associations or freelancers put forward design and development ideas for products, software, services, artistic creations, communication and marketing campaigns, and even new organisations.
Teams made up of students from the ESTIA - but also from other universities and institutions - joined by entrepreneurs, employees or freelancers, have 24 hours to put together an innovative, creative response to a subject they discover for the first time at the start of the event. The teams then have to present the results of their work to a panel of innovation professionals. The best teams are rewarded and receive a 24h de l’Innovation prize as well as prizes donated by this year's sponsors.
Organised until now at the engineering school at the Izarbel Technology Park (with the remote participation of national and international teams), the 24h de l’Innovation event will be held this year at the Halle d'Iraty conference centre in Biarritz from the morning of Friday 1 December, with the competition kicking off at 10.30 am. The event will be open to the general public for the first time – free of charge - with activities and exhibitions organised on the theme of technological innovation. Mobility and transport solutions will be the main themes for this 2017 edition, accounting for half the subjects.
Website: 24h.estia.fr/fr/