The Pays Basque Digital cluster holds its annual general meeting

The Pays Basque Digital cluster held its annual general meeting on Thursday 9 March in the Izarbel technology park. The association develops five main themes and includes nearly 70 enterprises in the digital technology sector in the Basque Country.
“The Pays Basque Digital cluster includes two main types of businesses: specialised actors in cloud technology who are mainly oriented towards business to business markets, and pure internet players who more target end customers”, explained Jean-Louis Mélin, President of the association created in 2015 in the Izarbel site and supported by the Pays Basque Urban Community, during the annual general meeting on 9 March.
Today, the Pays Basque Digital cluster brings together nearly 70 businesses, the majority of which are small structures, generally with fewer than 30 employees (excluding actors such as Cap Gemini or MaxSea). It aims to develop the local digital technology sector through a strategy focussing on five main themes: business, communication, training, recruitment & work placements, mutualisation.
During the annual general meeting, Jean-Louis Mélin presented the association’s annual and financial report as well as the aims for 2017. The theme of communication is being given priority focus in order to develop the cluster’s reputation. Support for obtaining the “entreprise numérique responsable” (sustainable digital enterprise) label will also be maintained, with the target of reaching 15 accredited enterprises compared with 6 today.
Other objectives include developing the job platform on the website, launching a training platform based on the same model, and creating a members’ area notably including elements produced by the different work groups (e-commerce, mobility, software development etc.)
Lastly, an agreement between Biarritz Pôle Emploi and the cluster was notably signed during the annual general meeting. Within this framework, the cluster’s offices will be open twice a month to receive companies looking for specific profiles in digital technology or other fields.
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