The role of digital in education

The 9th edition of Recontres Numériques (Digital Meetings) organised at the beginning of July by ANTIC (the Basque Country Agency for new information and communication technologies) saw more than 200 training and education providers come together to discuss the changes being wrought by digital technology. The conference addressed the question of how to adapt pedagogical content and methods to new digital tools and techniques, in particular by focusing on several examples of educational experiments.
“With the role of digital tools now available to young people – smartphones, tablets, computers, etc. – becoming increasingly important, educators are having to review all of their professional practices,” said Guillaume Singeot, a training consultant on skills development and training engineering, in his introduction to the 9th Recontres Numériques, organised in July by ANTIC.
According to Jean-Luc Peuvrier, of the Stratice agency, which helps training organisations digitally transform their pedagogical activities, today’s 15 to 25-year-olds were all born into homes that had a PC and have access to digital tools in all aspects of their personal and professional lives. This generation uses myriad social networks and chops and changes around easily, meaning educators and trainers have to adapt to these changes, too.
However, there is a high degree of crossover between learning time and free time, as new ways of learning (MOOCs, Living Lab, Barcamp, etc.) are being developed on those very social networks. Here’s where the opportunity lies for educators and trainers. The new professions and qualifications that are emerging from this digital transformation are also opportunities for the world of education to really get to grips with this societal evolution.
To illustrate how these new educational and training challenges are being met, various pedagogical experiments and initiatives were presented during Recontres Numériques. Of particular interest was the senior secondary-school class that took place completely digitally at the Lycée Saint Joseph in Hasparren. The pupils were all provided with a digital tablet and an environment conducive to its use, thus enabling new teaching practices to be developed and implemented.
This edition of Recontres Numériques, held on 5 July at Bayonne University of Trades in partnership with the Chamber of Trade and Craft Workers 64 and the Caisse des Dépôts, also addressed the role and challenges of digital in professional education (vocational training and apprenticeships).
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