The Life LEMA project validates its first results with Rivages Pro Tech

Récupération de déchets par des bateaux, barrière flottante à l’embouchure du fleuve Deba (Guipúzcoa), modélisation par Rivages Pro tech à Izarbel. ©LifeLEMA ©Agglo/V.Biard

Bringing together six partners, including the Izarbel-based Rivages Pro Tech centre, the Life LEMA European project provides methods and tools for the management of marine waste in the south-east area of the Bay of Biscay. Rivages Pro Tech is processing data collected in 2018 in preparation for a second version of its platform to predict the drifting pattern of this waste.

A three-year programme from 2016 to 2019, the Life LEMA project is part of the European LIFE programme for the environment and climate action. Life LEMA brings together six partners: La Députation de Guipúzcoa (project leader); the Kosta Garbia joint authority; the town of Biarritz; AZTI, the Spanish Basque research centre (technical coordinator of the project), the Surfrider Foundation Europe NGO and the Rivages Pro Tech - Groupe Suez centre, based at the Izarbel Technology Park.

The aim of Life LEMA is to gain a better understanding of how floating waste forms in order to optimise its collection and offset its accumulation on the coastline. Fishing and waste collection boats recover the waste and a floating barrier has been installed at the mouth of the River Deba (Guipúzcoa). Technological tools such as high-frequency radars, video cameras, drones and drifting buoys fitted with sensors are also used. Data collected during the project is used to create predictive models.

‘This is a global project to develop innovative support tools for the management of marine waste in association with clean-up operations at sea or on beaches. Rivages Pro Tech has developed a specific platform to model waste drifting. We are currently processing data collected during the summer of 2018 and we are preparing a second version of the platform for May 2019’, says Matthias Delpey from Rivages Pro Tech. The Life LEMA project will come to an end in autumn 2019 with the delivery to regional authorities of directives for a sustainable strategy to manage floating marine waste, in addition to a method guideline and intelligent tools. 

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