Tourism in the digital age

The 6th Tourism Forum organised on Thursday 19 October in Bayonne by the GOazen cluster will include several conferences focusing in particular on digital and augmented reality themes.
The GOazen cluster was created in 2008 on the initiative of the Bayonne Basque Country Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and today includes more than 580 tourism businesses. It’s 6th Forum will be held on Thursday 19 October from 2.15 pm to 6 pm at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
This forum will offer conferences, as well as sharing personal testimonies and experiences from tourism professionals. From 3.30 pm to 5:30 pm, four conferences will be held, two of them focusing specifically on the development of innovative digital technologies:
• 4.30 pm: A single digital pathway, the cornerstone of a strong and lasting customer experience!
• How to create a multichannel digital ecosystem to place the customer at the heart of the process and improve profits?
• Let’s widen the scope of action!
• How can augmented reality make informing the customer easier and create links between the stakeholders and the territories of the Basque Country tourist destination? Practical example and experience of the Espelette Tourist Office and the company Zoomez.
Further information available at: