09 October 2018
ESTIA Entreprendre training programmes in October and November

As part of ESTIA's 'Managing an innovative company' programme at the Izarbel Technology Park it is offering three workshops for entrepreneurs.
These training courses are free for the entrepreneurs and individuals who plan to start a business supported by ESTIA Entreprendre and through the Arkinova Business Generator. The 'Managing an innovative company' programme consists of short training courses (ranging from half-day to day-and-half courses). The following courses are offered in October and November:
- Developing the financial component of your business plan: 11 October (incubator room, ESTIA building 2). Facilitator: Maxime Savoie
- Managing a project to develop products/services: a key aspect of innovation management: Thursday 18 October (room 2, ESTIA building 2). Facilitator: Vincent Collet
- The keys to a successful business plan: Wednesday 21 November (room 103, ESTIA building 2). Facilitator: Valérie Laurans
Information and registration at: entreprendre.estia.fr
11 October 2018