October and November training courses for entrepreneurs

Six workshops set up for project leaders and creators of innovative companies will take place from October to December at Izarbel Technology Park in Bidart.
These short courses are being run jointly by the ESTIA department dedicated to the creation and development of technology start-ups and the Basque Country Urban Authority as part of a partnership which aims to support innovative companies in the Basque Country Technology Park. Six workshops will be held in October, November and December at the Izarbel site in Bidart:
- Mastering the product/service development project: a key element in innovation management
Led by Vincent Collet from Agence Think+, on Thursday 10 October.
- Building the financial component of your business plan
Led by Maxime Savoie, chartered accountant & auditor, on Thursday 17 October
- Convincing your banker
Led by Philippe Hermitte, a corporate financing advisor for CCI Bayonne Pays Basque, on Thursday, November 7.
- Law
Led by Claire Champion, Senior Business Lawyer, on Thursday 14 November.
- The keys to a successful business plan
Led by Valérie Laurans, strategic management consultant, on Thursday 28 November.
- Sales and negotiation techniques
Led by Nathalie Sagné, innovation, creativity and collective intelligence consultant, on Thursday 12 December (morning and afternoon) and Friday 13 December (morning and afternoon).
Information and registration at: http://entreprendre.estia.fr